The Dear Son, Network
Black or Blue? | Why I Became A Police Officer | A Conversation with Lt. Adrian Yowman
Which comes first, black, or blue? Is there even a line between the two for police officers of color? Lieutenant Yowman gives us a peek into the everyday life and psychology of an officer, and how his journey to the force evolved. It all started in Port Arthur, TX, where Adrian grew up with his younger sister and single father in the home. He credits his father's drill sergeant background for the strict tone of the house. Adrian understood responsibility and leadership early as he was charged with overseeing his sister, ensuring that she handled her household chores and was safe and protected outside of the house. At a young age, Adrian spent time riding along with his uncle, also a police officer, and knew immediately that he wanted to follow in his footsteps. Even after his uncle's untimely death while on the job, Adrian's desire to join the force never wavered. At the time of this recording, Adrian is thirteen years in, and provides a real-world perspective of what his priorities are as a black husband, father, and cop. We talked about the challenges with inadequate training and expectations of the average police officer. Does more need to be done to qualify and place officers? Are there still traces of racism and discrimination in the police system? Watch the full episode to gain a broader perspective, and then sound off on social media, respectfully.