The Dear Son, Network

Dear Son, Nice Guys Finish Last

2023  |  UNRATED  |  50m  |  SPECIAL  |  DOCUMENTARY

What are we really teaching our sons about dating? Is this even a conversation anymore, or was it ever for that matter? Dear Son, nice guys finish last! That might be a myth but jerks certainly don’t win the race. Perhaps there’s a middle ground that will position our young men to mature into respectful companions for the right young lady. We had a lively discussion about the importance of dating with clarity and intention. Our sons need to be aware of what’s acceptable, questionable, and absolutely off limits when it comes to courtship. They need to have standards when identifying attractive characteristics and qualities in the young ladies they pursue. Also, how much energy and effort should be invested into the pursuit? We agree that our young men must be respectable in all aspects as a baseline; however, we might have differing opinions on the appropriate level of “savagery or suckery”…you’ll just have to watch (or listen) to understand. With all the questions posed above, you’ll find several answers throughout. We highly recommend that you consume the entire episode for the best results. Also, meet us in the comments or tag us with your opinion on social media via the links below. As always, we welcome your perspective. It takes a village.