The Dear Son, Network

I'm Afraid To Heal

2022  |  E  |  26m  |  SPECIAL  |  EDUCATIONAL

Dear Son, I'm afraid to heal. This was a very sobering topic for me to address. I had to admit that not only was I broken in many ways, but I was comfortable in that state because I was afraid of what healing required from me. Selfish? Most certainly. However, I don't think that I'm the only man that has some aversion to the healing process. I do not like the unknown. I do not like not being in control. I do not like changing while it feels like the world is watching. But change, I must. Do you embrace change in general? More specifically, how eager are you to heal when it requires some uncomfortable work to get there? These are my top 10 reasons why I'm afraid to heal. I'd love to know if any of them resonate with you.