The Dear Son, Network
Son, I Want You Back
2022 | UNRATED | 1h 9m
Dear Son, I need you back in my life. Many relationships begin with the best of intentions. The air smells sweeter, the flowers are bloom-ier, and all seems right with the world. Then, as with any relationship, problems arise and character is revealed. Add children to the mix and it becomes more than some can or prefer to handle. James has experienced the hurt as a child and as an adult, and the impact at each stage is damaging. In this episode, we conversed about his humble beginnings as a child growing up in Shreveport, LA. Though he will forever regard it as his home with fondness, there were several memories that were painful to replay from his life there. Primarily raised by his mother and aunt, he recalls the financial hardships, constant moves, and the resulting school fights because he was the new guy. In middle school, he lost his big brother, who was his best friend, and essentially his identity. Anything big bro did, he wanted to do, and they spent everyday together until his big brother's untimely death. Compound these challenges with a pervasive gang culture right outside of his front door, and you'd potentially have.a recipe for disaster. Fortunately, James' story is one of overcoming. He survived the streets and navigated his way through early adulthood by way of college and the military. A tumultuous relationship yielded heartache and distrust, but also blessed the parents with three beautiful children. He later found love again with his current wife and was blessed with three more children. Life still hurts at times because he longs to have a relationship with his oldest son from the first marriage. He manages to wear a smile through that pain, and channels his energy into mentoring boys and young men to help them cope with and make better decisions in life. As he referenced, "he's lived 31 lives," and I'm grateful that he stopped by to share a few highlights with us. Be blessed, Fam. I'll see you in the comments.