The Dear Son, Network

The Keys To A Healthy Work Life Balance | Career, Family & Romance | w/ The Johnsons

2022  |  UNRATED  |  1h 5m  |  SPECIAL  |  DOCUMENTARY

Does your relationship have the keys to a healthy work life balance? Many couples start and end their days with brief, superficial conversations. "Good morning, have a good day," or "how was your day?" Now there's nothing wrong with these questions, but they are often used to check the 'communication' box in the relationship. Most of us spend the majority of our day with people outside of our relationship, or, at least, channeling out attention to others. We don't even notice that the relationship is eroding until it hits a critical point. Does it get any easier if you work with or run a business with your spouse? On the one hand, the time away can shield the other from the daily frustrations of the workday. On the other, spending 'too much' time together can be the source of angst and frustration for many. But wait, how can you spend too much time with the one you have chosen to spend your life with (for the married crowd)? How do you manage your career, family, and romance without going nuts? We had a meaningful discussion with James & Tonya Johnson about the highs and lows of working together, and if 'balance' is even a thing. In its most literal form, balance means that the opposing forces are equal, and nothing is moving. Life typically leans more toward 'what needs attention, gets the attention.' However you define a healthy state, the important thing is for couples to agree on what that looks like, and remain accountable to each other to ensure the boundaries are honored. It's a dance for sure. Grab your spouse, mate, or anyone that might benefit from this conversation and watch it together. We'll be waiting to discuss your perspectives in the comments. Be blessed, Fam!