The Dear Son, Network
The No Step Zone | How to Father a Blended Family | A Conversation with James Johnson
2022 | UNRATED | 38m
You've just entered the no step zone. For some, there isn't much thought given to the term step as applied to familial relationships. Stepmom, stepsister, stepbrother...stepdad. I'll agree that the word prefix doesn't seem all that powerful, but does it impact how the individuals act in those relationships? On the one hand, we consider it a mere technicality... a lack of a biological connection. On the other hand, treating someone like a stepchild has been a dismissive insult (or assault) for as long as I can remember. In this episode, James and I share the vulnerabilities we've experienced from both sides of non-biological fatherhood. Our stories are nuanced as is every fatherhood journey, but there are many core principles we share. Parenting in general is a very rewarding gift; however, do we really treat biological and non-biological children equally? You'll see how we answered this question by the end of the episode. I hope this blesses you where you are.