The Dear Son, Network
Trauma On The Yard | Violently Attacked at School | A Father’s Nightmare with Reggie George
There's trauma on the yard! Many of us (parents) considered the school to be one of the safest places to send our children at one time. Over the past decade or so, the senseless attacks on our babies may have caused a heightened sense of awareness for some, paranoia for others, and perhaps even panic for a few. How would your life change if your child was the victim of a violent act at school? That's an unfair question to those who've never experienced it, and I pray that it is a question you'll never be able to answer from experience. Unfortunately for the George family, they will have to live with such an experience forever. Reggie George is a loving husband, father, and father figure. One routine morning he dropped his twin daughters off at a Mansfield ISD (TX) public school not knowing that his life, his twin daughters’ lives, and his wife's life would pivot within hours due to a cowardly, horrific event at the school. The scenario is too graphic to type here, but one of the twins was a approached and stabbed...which landed her in an 8.5 hour brain surgery fighting for her life. This episode connects the dots from that eventful day to the Father Figure movement that was birthed through Reggie's healing process, much of which he credits to an evolved relationship with God. This testimony will rock your spirit, but, more importantly, will bless you.