The Dear Son, Network
What Are We Teaching Our Sons? | w James Johnson
What are we really teaching our sons? Most dads have an immediate response listing all the topics that are most important or memorable to them, but what are the children learning from their actions? They know the difference between their parents’ talk and their walk. We had a deep discussion about teaching them to be tough, choosing friends, music and other cultural influences. Sometimes we try to live out our delusions of cool through the kids. Some of us go too far, showering them with the material things we didn't get as a child. Spoiling is cool, but make sure they understand what's truly valuable in life. There was a time when I would defend music as 'just entertainment' know...just some clever wordplay over a beat. Then I had kids. Then those kids grew up listening to music that now makes me cringe. Admittedly, their music has core themes in common with the music from my day, I have to be responsible. Adulting is tough. Should fathers apologize to their sons? Sometimes tough love goes a little too far. Trauma can be introduced to a child even through the best intentions of parenting. There comes a time when punishment (physical, emotional or mental) no longer yields the desired effect. Manhood is a learned behavior, and it starts early. Here's an excerpt from an upcoming episode that focuses on what we are teaching our sons. Be sure to subscribe and turn on all notifications for this channel to be alerted when content is related. I appreciate you.